Monday, November 22, 2021: Interview with Lee Bellinger of the Bellinger Report at 11 AM PST

Gary Rotman will do a 15-minute Zoom interview with Lee Bellinger, host of the Bellinger Report, from 11 AM – 11:15 AM PST/2 PM – 2:15 PM EST. The Zoom link for this interview will be made available to you as soon as we receive it. This show airs Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 6 AM PST/9 AM EST.

Show Link:

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Lee Bellinger is the publisher of Off-Grid Confidential, one of the last information and financial newsletters to be delivered 100 percent through the mail, completely independent of the internet and big tech industries. Lee has been publishing continuously since 1988 and each week introduces a new guest to share the stories of their unique professions, ranging from alternative health and survival to hard money finance.