Tuesday, January 18, 2022: Interview on The Round Table Talk Show at 7:45 AM PST/10:45 AM EST

Gary and Bruce will be guests on The Round Table Talk Show with Sharifah Hardie on Tuesday, January 18 from 7:45 AM PST / 10:45 AM EST to 9 AM PST / 12 noon EST. Call-in details and other information will be relayed to us a week before your scheduled interview. We’ll notify you then.


Sharifah Hardie is a business consultant, Candidate for 2024 California State Senate District 33, President of the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce – Long Beach Area, CEO of IT TV – Intellectual Television, Founder of Black Guest List and an influencer. She’s also the host of the Ask Sharifah Videocast and Podcast, The Round Table Talk Show, as well as the author of Signs You Might Be An Entrepreneur – How to Discover the Entrepreneur in You and the ebook, Everything You Need to Know About Social Media Marketing.