It’s still blazing hot in much of the US, but Fall really is right around the corner. Which means it’s time to check in with your elderly relatives and make sure they’re prepared for the coming season.
Clothing – Make sure they have clothes which can be comfortably worn in layers, including sturdy shoes. Even a resupply of reusable masks may be appropriate.
Food – Go into their fridges & pantries. Are they properly stocked? Is there anything expired/freezer-burned or otherwise not fit for use? Then dump them and help restock with new foods.
Bathrooms – Are they stocked with essentials (paper goods, toiletries, safety/support aides)? Are all of their over-the- counter medicines & supplements still within their ‘use by’ dates?
Pleasure – Do they have new books/games/DVDs to watch? Exercises or hobbies to engage in? Any new activities do engage in while much of the world is still locked down? If not, drop some off and encourage them to participate.
With Covid lockdowns still in force in many places, residential facilities are still generally restricting visitors, but you should still make time to contact facility management and ask some pertinent questions:
What is the Covid status of the residents and workers at the facility? Are distancing guidelines being enforced?
Do they have new activity plans going forward for residents?
When & where can you drop off season-appropriate apparel for your loved one?
Fall can be hard on people, and Covid will make it even tougher. But these are questions which need to be asked, and soon, for the sake of everyone’s senior loved ones.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
Alzheimer’s patients who are exposed to pets such as dogs display more positive behavior, according to a study carried out on an Alzheimer’s special care unit. Additional studies show that pets can provide companionship, reduce isolation, and ease anxiety. Modern
technology has now embraced the benefits that pets offer Alzheimer’s patients. These studies have resulted in therapy pets increasingly utilized by individuals with cognitive disorders.
But exactly how do real and replica pets help Alzheimer’s patients? Dr. Jonathan Graff-Radford states that regular physical activity can slow down dementia symptoms in those who already have the disease, and can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s in those who are at risk of developing it. Despite this, 28% of over 50’s never exercise, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). This is concerning as this group is one of the most at risk of dementia. Thankfully, when a pet is brought into the mix, individuals with Alzheimer’s and those who are at risk of developing it are more likely to:
Head outdoors
Enjoy long walks with their companion
Get up and play with their pet
Explore new locations on foot
Combat loneliness
38% of people living with dementia say that they feel lonely, and a further 12% say that they’re not sure whether what they feel qualifies as loneliness, according to the Alzheimer’s Society.
Loneliness in Alzheimer’s patients typically occurs due to:
A lack of confidence in their abilities
Fear that they will become confused
Losing contact with family and friends
Being secretive about their health
As pets are always there, will always listen, and don’t judge, they make the perfect companion for individuals feeling these emotions. What’s more, having the responsibility of a pet provides people with a sense of purpose and makes them feel needed. Even if the pet is a lifelike replica rather than a real animal, these emotions are encouraged.
Increases feel-good hormones
Serotonin is a vital neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in a person’s mood, appetite, sleep, and alertness, in addition to multiple other things. Recent studies have found a link between low serotonin levels and the development of Alzheimer’s. As such, actions should be taken to boost the chemicals interacting with the brain in Alzheimer’s patients to prevent depressive symptoms and poor health taking over. Pet therapy is ideal for these individuals as the University of Missouri-Columbia found that stroking a dog for just a few minutes releases multiple “happiness hormones,” including serotonin.
Control & manage symptoms better
Naturally, not every individual with Alzheimer’s will want a pet. There are also factors to consider, such as meeting the pet’s exercise requirements and remembering to feed and groom it regularly. This is where pet therapy comes into its own as giving an individual with
Alzheimer’s a lifelike pet which breathes, sleeps, and feels like a real animal can alleviate a whole host of symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease. A 2016 study concluded that robotic pets can help control anxiety and depression symptoms just as well as medical drugs.
Additionally, pet therapy proved to be successful at symptom control in patients.
There’s no denying that Alzheimer’s can be a difficult disease to manage. But, thankfully, pets, including ones that utilize the latest technology, can provide a significant amount of love and affection that people with Alzheimer’s need. What’s more, these individuals will
benefit from having a companion by their side.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
From the journal Science, a revelation that one of the most consequential and foundational bits of Alzheimer’s disease research in the last quarter century may be based on suspicious data.
The controversy revolves around a 2006 study showing that buildup of a specific amyloid protein in neural tissue was the primary mechanism of Alzheimer’s. This research was based in large part on advanced imaging showing the buildup, and research showing the amyloid buildup in rats caused dementia.
“A 6-month investigation by Science provided strong support for Schrag’s suspicions and raised questions about [Sylvain] Lesné’s research. A leading independent image analyst and several top Alzheimer’s researchers—including George Perry of the University of Texas, San Antonio, and John Forsayeth of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)—reviewed most of Schrag’s findings at Science’s request. They concurred with his overall conclusions, which cast doubt on hundreds of images, including more than 70 in Lesné’s papers. Some look like “shockingly blatant” examples of image tampering, says Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s expert at the University of Kentucky.”
Other research institutions are also beginning investigations into Lesné’s research.
Since its publication in 2006, the amyloid hypothesis has been one of – if not the – driving forces in research into Alzheimer’s and dementia. A plurality and possibly a majority of all research into these fields now touches on the amyloid hypothesis, which is now thrown into tremendous doubt. In that time all of that research has failed to produce substantive functional treatments, and more than a few drugs whose releases were controversial. If this study is shown to be fraudulent, it would effectively have set back Alzheimer’s research for a generation by leading researchers and doctors down a dead end.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
While it may be hot & steamy out, in reality it is the perfect time to help your senior loved one take a look at their financial health. After all, financial problems don’t take a summer holiday.
Examine credit card & bank statements for recurring charges. Many seniors have services they signed up for ages ago, which they no longer use. Sometimes they’ve forgotten about the charges or just never found the time to cancel the service. Taking the time to compile a list of these charges, and to cancel the unused ones, will be worth the effort.
Check credit reports. – Seniors, in particular, are frequently the target of identity thieves. A quick, occasional look at their credit report can help spot identity theft before it gets out of hand. You may want to consider helping your senior loved one to lock their credit. This will prevent new lines of credit from being opened without their explicit OK.
Assemble & organize their regular payments. – Make a list of their principal, monthly payments, and assemble the most recent bills with their associated canceled checks or charges on a credit card statement. You may be surprised how many bills may slip through the cracks, or possibly be double-paid. Spending a couple of hours making a spreadsheet of these charges can help prevent a financial disaster down the road.
These sorts of financial checkups should be done every 6 months to a year, with more comprehensive checks done every few years.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
“Claire Dinneen’s daughters thought that worsening dementia was causing her growing confusion, but her doctor suspected something else.
Dr. Pei Chen asked them to round up medicines in the 89-year-old woman’s home and they returned with a huge haul. There were 28 drugs ordered by various doctors for various ailments, plus over-the-counter medicines. Chen spent a year sorting out which ones were truly needed and trimmed a dozen.
To her daughters’ surprise, Dinneen got better, able to remember more things and to offer advice on what to wear and how to raise their kids. Her symptoms were from “medication fog,” not her dementia getting worse, Chen told one daughter.”
Claire’s situation may be an outlier, but there’s no question many seniors are on a lot of medications & supplements. Often these drugs are prescribed by several different doctors who don’t communicate with one another. It’s essential that you sit down with your senior loved ones regularly and go over the medication regimens they’re on. Make a chart or spreadsheet detailing all of the drugs and supplements they take, what they treat, who prescribed them, and when they began taking it. At their next appointment with their primary care physician, make sure that the chart or spreadsheet is discussed. It’s possible there are drugs there which should be stopped or even ones which may be having harmful interactions.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
Eventually, most of our elder loved ones will get to a point at which they can no longer live independently. In many cases, we caregivers will offer to take that loved one into our home. The transition can be difficult emotionally, even before you consider what it’s like to live with someone who is in the early stages of cognitive decline. But, there are some steps you can take to help keep your elder loved one safe without turning your home into a prison.
Door Alarms. Wandering is the #1 fear of many caregivers. The thought of a loved one walking off and ending up in a dangerous situation keeps many people up at night. But something as simple as a door alarm on an exterior door – paired with a properly installed chain or slide lock – can do wonders for preventing wandering incidents. Whatever you select, do not put a lock on an exit door which the care recipient cannot open. That is a massive hazard and may even violate fire codes in many areas.
Interior door locks. The dangers inside the home are often as bad as that outside. Garages, basements, and workshops can all contain a variety of hazards for someone in the early stages of cognitive impairment. Putting a lock on those sorts of rooms – either a standard key lock, a digital passcode lock, or a “confounding” lock – can help keep your loved one out of danger. Additionally, as some seniors age, they begin to lose some respect for social norms. Which is to say, they get nosy and intrusive, including not respecting others’ personal time and belongings. A robust lock on the bedroom, while you are out, can help stave off some of the worst intrusions.
Stove Guardian. Carelessness and lack-of-focus can seem harmless, but it can also manifest in dangerous ways. These include leaving the burner on the stove or cooktop after they leave the room. There are a variety of devices available now which will either turn the oven off if movement has not been detected, or if the fire alarm goes off.
Medication reminder. Failure to take medicine properly – either under- or over-dosing – can lead to tragic consequences. But, these situations can be prevented with some fairly basic items. A sturdy, 2-week capacity pill dispenser, a whiteboard with spaces to check off when a dose is taken, and a reminder clock like our Reminder Rosie can work in conjunction to help keep your loved one schedule with their medications.
Grab bars & rails. Pretty much anytime your elder loved one has to get up from a sitting or reclining position, there is the danger of a fall. They can’t all be avoided, but the vast majority can be prevented with properly sited & installed grab bars or rails. There are obvious places for them – in the shower, next to the toilet, near the bed – but there are less obvious danger points, too. Is there a big step at the front door? That’s a frequent fall hazard. A solid grab bar just inside the door can be used going both ways and may save a lot of pain. The caregiver should spend a day going about their routine and explicitly thinking about where and how they get up from a seated position if there isn’t already something solid to grab onto, considering having a grab bar installed at that site.
Caring for an elder loved one can seem overwhelming, but a little bit of planning, preparation and prevention can go a long way towards making everyone in the home safer and happier.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
From the NY Times, comes the possibility that Alzheimer’s could be detected early via a simple writing test.
“For the Alzheimer’s study, the researchers looked at a group of 80 men and women in their 80s — half had Alzheimer’s and the others did not. But, seven and a half years earlier, all had been cognitively normal.
The men and women were participants in the Framingham Heart Study, a long-running federal research effort that requires regular physical and cognitive tests. As part of it, they took a writing test before any of them had developed Alzheimer’s that asks subjects to describe a drawing of a boy standing on an unsteady stool and reaching for a cookie jar on a high shelf while a woman, her back to him, is oblivious to an overflowing sink.”
The study in question wasn’t even designed with Alzheimer’s or other cognitive disorders in mind. But the Framingham Heart Study – in action since 1948 – has been a treasure trove of data in the past. That data shows that signs of cognitive disorders show up in these writing & drawing tests years – or even decades – before other symptoms emerge. An AI algorithm was able to predict, with 75% accuracy, who would or would not develop Alzheimer’s based just on those tests. Tests of that nature are incredibly easy to administer, and feeding them into that algorithm could revolutionize early diagnosis of the disease.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
If you ask your typical 30-year-old about the biggest problems with growing old, you’ll get answers about arthritis, physical infirmity, and memory issues. Maybe wandering or vision issues. But one facet of life those who care for the elderly know is a huge problem is: communication.
As we age, simple acts of communication become more and more difficult. Some of this is technological; young people adopt newer methods of communication that older folk have trouble adapting. But much of it is also neurological. The very act of initiating communication can become difficult, sometimes even borderline traumatic. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some seniors lose their verbal filter and will over-communicate, sharing inappropriate or sensitive info with the wrong people.
Be the initiator – As a family member or caregiver, you often have to be the ones
Give them the proper tools – If you can keep a landline phone active for them, try to do so. It may be an added expense, but it tends to be much easier for elders or dementia sufferers than a cell phone is. Our own SiMPL photoDIAL senior phone is a great example of a tool you can use to facilitate communication with them. If you have to get them a cell phone, spend some time customizing the phone to make it as easy and obvious to operate as possible. Create contact icons for the most common calls they’ll make. Remove home page icons for any app they don’t really need. Disable automatic updates, but remember to run them manually when you visit.
Analog is good – We are all guilty of this at times, but sometimes just a pen and paper are the best possible tools. Tech is fine, but notes, lists, and schedules written out longhand are wonderful communication aides which should be employed frequently.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
Growing old shouldn’t have to mean falling behind. And that includes technologically.
Here are just a few items which can help your senior loved one use and enjoy the technological bounty around us.
Vertical Mice – 90 degrees can make a world of difference. Vertical mice function just like normal mice, but are ergonomically designed to alleviate stresses on the hand, wrist and forearm. They’re often used by sufferers of carpal tunnel syndrome or chronic wrist tendonitis, but they can be extremely beneficial for arthritis sufferers, too.
Digital Magnifiers – These relatively inexpensive items combine a camera and a screen to help magnify small text or objects for the reader. They have several advantages over your basic looking glass, including the ability to take still images, and even to digitally highlight or sharpen text to make it easy to read. Some now even have the ability to ‘read’ text and convert it to speech on the fly. This is a tremendous aide for persons with compromised vision who don’t want to stop living life to its fullest.
Bluetooth hearing aids – An old medical device, with a modern twist. These hearing aids can connect to audio sources via Bluetooth, allowing persons with hearing impairment to get the sound directly from the source. By connecting wirelessly to your stereo, computer or TV, the wearer can hear their media clearly without boosting all other sounds around them. Many such hearing aids can also boost the clarity of spoken words, helping those with conditions like auditory neuropathy or tinnitus.
Large-Button or Simplified TV Remotes – We take the remote control for granted. I’m sure a lot of people reading this may never have used a TV without one. But as you grow older, they can become a problem. For starters, the buttons are getting smaller and harder to press in modern remotes. A remote with larger buttons and ergonomic casing can help with that. But then you get to the issue of too many buttons. Modern remotes have so many functions which the average user will rarely – if ever – utilize. In those cases, a simplified remote with fewer functions may be helpful.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
We’re approaching the warm weather holidays of Mother’s Day & Father’s Day, so now is as good a time as any to start planning what to get the seniors in your life.
Digital Picture Frame. A great way to keep up with the grandkids. You can put thousands of family photos on a single memory card, and the device will automatically rotate through them. You can get models with wi-fi that let you upload images remotely, or ones without if they don’t have wi-fi in the home. The wi-fi model will require them or a caregiver to input their wi-fi password to set it up, so think of that before you purchase.
Music Player. Another device you can have shipped to you, set it up, and send over to a loved one without any need for contact. Add all of their favorite songs & radio stations, and let them control the music with just one touch.
Indoor Herb Growing Kit. With many of us cut off from the outdoors, it’s the best time to bring some of the outdoors, indoors. Flowers would be nice, but an herb garden has the added benefit of providing a pop of freshness to food. You can go with the fancy hydroponic rigs where everything is managed for them, or the simpler – but more elegant – traditional setup where they can get their hands dirty.
Lawn Games for Groups. The past few years has seen an explosion of fun & simple outdoor games which can be played even by people with moderate physical disabilities. Cornhole, Yardzhee, Backyard Bowling, Bean-Basketball and more can encourage seniors to get outside, get some exercise and socialize with their peers.
Even in these difficult times, there are plenty of gifs out there to make everyone happy in these trying times.
Brought to you, Technology for Seniors News.
You can talk to rosie with your normal voice. Using these commands, you can setup and talk to rosie.
hello reminder rosie
Wake up Rosie (trigger). She is now ready for your next command. In addition, will announce all missed reminders.
Said after Rosie says, “can I help you?” or a beep sound within 4 seconds will put Rosie to sleep.
reminder off
Will turn off reminders.
record reminders
Record a reminder.
What can I say?
Hear all of Rosie’s voice command phrases.
What time is it?
Rosie will announce the current time.
What day is it?
Rosie will announce the current date.
Snooze the current alarm.
Wonderful alarm!!!
We needed to get this to protect my Grandmother with dementia from exiting the front door without our knowledge. This has been a Godsend!!!!!
Exactly as advertised
Purchased and installed this for a friend. It works via radio signal so as long as you have good batteries in the device, it works flawlessly. The base unit is compatible with up to 20 triggers and you can customize the signal for each door or window you’re monitoring. Highly recommended!
Tim B. Whitley
Peace of mind
I have an Autistic child that wanders and an older parent so this all in one kit was great. My mom has the pendant and I use the door alarm for my son. The absolute best part is that the alarm is portable!! I can move around inside n’ outside our apartment and always be aware of alerts.
It’s not terribly loud but since you wear the alarm base it doesn’t really need to be unless you’re a deep sleeper. If you are a deep sleeper than only rely on this during your awake hours and invest in a loud one for naps or sleep.
Also like that you can turn off the alarm on the base as my son figured out alarm means I’m going outside n’ he thinks it’s time to go buy toys lol, so if I just need to take out the garbage I turn it off til I get back inside.
This music player/radio is outstanding. It is simple to set up, simple to use and well made. (I ordered ours in July 2020. We have had no problems with the construction.) You can add to the pre-programmed songs on the enclosed USB stick, or you can delete those songs and load a custom playlist of favorite songs. Or you can buy an additional USB stick and upload a custom playlist onto that. Make sure your playlist songs are mp3 formatted. (Not iTunes format, THE SONGS MUST BE MP3 FORMATTED. I purchased/downloaded the mp3 songs from Amazon.) I loved putting together the playlist for my Dad. It brought back so many memories and gave me a connection with him that I haven’t had in a long time. Other family members live closer and have been doing most of the heavy living for my Dad so it was great to be able to do something like this from far away. I shipped the radio to his assisted living facility after uploading his favorite songs onto the USB stick. My Dad’s nurse found it easy to set up too. Best of all, she told me our Dad loves it. Music therapy for dementia sufferers is well documented. This music seems to be helping my Dad. He smiles more, he’s engaged and he’s calmer. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Mom LOVES this music box!!!
My 85 year old mother LOVES this music player!!! I’ve tried boom boxes, clock radios, cable tv music, Alexa, etc, but she couldn’t remember how to work any of them.
I went to the website & figured out how to format the music box to work with my Mac. It was fairly easy & after that, it’s just drag & drop. The time consuming part was finding & selecting the music to be loaded. All in all, it’s well worth the time it takes to set it up.
My only suggestions to improve this product would be to make a volume knob easily accessible (mom can handle one knob and some songs are just louder/quieter than others) and figure out a way to access Pandora. It would be much easier for me to pick a great station than find & download a limited assortment of songs.
Mary L
It works well
The max sound level could be higher…. but so much depends on the source so not always a SMPL problem. I found it hard to see the embossed information on the silver buttons. Perhaps add stickers to the package for vision impaired people 🙂 I made up a bunch of flash drives, for different moods for my brother who has dementia and used colour coding and printed info for the nurses. I used 8GB drives and have hours and hours of music on each.
Amazon Customer
Linda D.
Peace of mind
Got this product for my diabetic father who is in mid-stage of Alzheimer’s and so far we’re finding it to be very helpful. He responds daily to our reminder to inject himself. He says he likes hearing our voices. It gives us peace of mind until we can attend to him.
Virginia M.
This is the best clock for a visually impaired person. All they have to do is speak and it changes the times and alarms for them. A very durable piece of equipment and it will speak clearly so you are sure the time is correct.
Judi R.
Love it. Easy to program, great for my mom who has Alzheimer’s. She doesn’t have to do anything and it reminds her of all her various activities, meals, etc. at her retirement home.
Kim M.
I purchased Rosie at the recommendation of a rehabilitation specialist at the assisted living facility where my elderly dad lives. He has his own studio apartment but was rapidly losing his short term memory. As a result, the rehab specialist was working with us to see if we could find a way to allow him to remain in his current unit and maintain his independence as long as possible.
This device is helping him even more than we’d hoped it would. It was a simple process to record brief personal messages reminding him to take medicine, move around and go to meals. He especially likes hearing my voice and he responds well to the prompts.
Easy to use
Easy to setup and easy to use. I had some difficult removing the screw for setup. After that much better than the million button remote from the cable company for my senior family member.
Great for seniors with low vision
This is a terrific little remote for my 94 year old grandmother that is visually impaired. It set up perfectly for me within a matter of minutes on a Samsung tv with antenna connection (no set top box). Favorite channel buttons were easily programmed. She pretty much only watches 5 channels (FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS) so this remote works well for her and is very simple and basic. Exactly what we need!
Amazon Customer
Great for someone with dementia
I bought this for my mother, who has very poor eyesight and has dementia as well. With the usual remotes she couldn’t see any of the labels, and the sheer number of buttons led her astray. I programmed this control so that the only things that work are the power button, the mute button, and the volume control button.
The battery compartment and the programming controls are locked behind covers that can only be opened with a small screwdriver (supplied).
That does it.
Jerry Schwartz
Over all is a good product
Good product, you might have a little problem programming phone numbers, it doesnt seem to want to accept the numbers at first but if you keep doing it , It will eventaully work. All in All it worked out OK
Not very good directions, but was able to figure it out.
Purchased for 95 yr old who had mild stroke. With some guidance and training, she was at least able to call us.
Donna J
It’s very helpful
This phone has been very useful for my mother who is 87 and it’s on the early stages of dementia
And Alzheimers, with the pictures she is able to recognize who the people are and it’s very easy to dial just press the button, I highly recommend this phone, we are very happy with this product.
The key pad is really big and clear
I needed a phone for a mom that has the beginning stages of memory lose. She was able to operate this phone. Thank you to the company which designed it.
Olivia G Lopez
My Mother-in-Law loves it!
For an aged person, 90’s, she can no longer manage a cell phone. With this new phone she easily manages speed dial buttons and the key pad. This has been a great boon to her keeping in touch with family. She love it.
Mark H
How convenient and easy for my mom to use
Mark Rhodes
This is great!!
We got this for my mother in law and installed it yesterday. She argued at first because she said she can see just fine, but we reminded her she can’t remember phone numbers well. She hasn’t made a phone call in at least six months, but about an hour after we set this up, she gave us a call to try it out. So great to see her name pop up on caller ID again!!
Christi Clark
It works well
The max sound level could be higher…. but so much depends on the source so not always a SMPL problem. I found it hard to see the embossed information on the silver buttons. Perhaps add stickers to the package for vision impaired people 🙂 I made up a bunch of flash drives, for different moods for my brother who has dementia and used colour coding and printed info for the nurses. I used 8GB drives and have hours and hours of music on each.
Amazon Customer
Love, Love, Love This Player
I’ve been searching for something simple so my friend/ward with dementia can listen to her classical music and a little Sinatra in her nursing home room. It was super easy to load. It came preloaded with big band music which she also seems to enjoy. I emailed the company for questions and got a prompt reply. Solid, large and very well made. Good sound quality.
Update: being that she lives in a nursing home and lots of her items have gone missing, I wanted to insure this music player stayed put. I talked to the manufacturer and learned the player is actually made of wood. I was able to attach a small lock on the back and then secured it with a small cable to her end table. I drilled hole in the back of the end table, secure a cable clamp inside hidden behind the drawer. It will take pliers and some effort to take (or cable cutter 😔) it if wanted. It also prevents my ward from moving it or dropping it.
Absolutely perfect product for its intended purpose
As the computer nerd in my family, I was tasked with finding a music player for my 95-year-old grandmother. She was vision-impaired and pretty forgetful when it came to using devices.
It seems like this should be an easy problem to solve but it isn’t. I spent hours on Amazon reading product reviews and manuals, and more hours going to Best Buy and office supply stores to examine their offerings. Nothing was suitable. Everything requires many delicate button presses to turn on, select the appropriate input source, select the song (so it doesn’t always play the same song first), etc. etc.
After hours of searching, I had the idea to search for “Alzheimer’s music player” and landed on The Simple Music Player. It looked perfect. My family originally balked at the price for something that seems like it should be so simple and cheap. But it was really the only option we had and it ended up being absolutely perfect. My grandmother loved it. In the end, it was money very well spent. Five stars, no question. If you are considering this product, you should probably just buy it immediately!
Ingot Marker
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In no event will SiMPL Technology LLC, its representatives, affiliates, associates and the like be liable for any damages, including without limitation
direct or indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with any failure of performance of any SiMPL devices.