Could Your Gut Biome Influence The Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

I know I shouldn’t be surprised by a new study that shows that the human gut biome – the huge variety of microorganisms which live inside of our gastrointestinal systems – informs yet another facet of our lives but I still do get surprised. From New Atlas, a new study showing that rheumatoid arthritis is the next disorder to be influenced from the gut.

“Impressive new research led by a team from University College London is suggesting bacterial imbalances in the gut microbiome may play a major role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The preclinical study found damage to the gut lining directly correlates with joint inflammation and arthritis severity.

For some time now researchers have reported consistent links between gut microbiome abnormalities and rheumatoid arthritis, and increasing populations of certain types of bad bacteria have frequently been associated with arthritis severity.”

Scientists cannot yet completely describe the chain that leads from gut biome abnormalities to arthritis, but it’s still a result with a lot of potential down the road.

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